Most people get life insurance instead of applying for a personal accidental insurance policy. This is a crucial mistake that costs a lot later in case they are not able to continue paying the heavy premium that life insurance demands. The key benefits of Personal Accident Insurance Policy over Life Insurance are as follows:
- It is economical and affordable
- It requires no medical test or documentation
- You can protect all the members of your family at a very low cost.
People who already have life insurance can also take an Accident Insurance as a supplementary cover in case, they have a very active lifestyle and want additional protection against dismemberment and death. The same holds good for their family members.
This personal accident insurance policy is also ideal for people who are not eligible for life insurance cover due to some recent illness, they can still get protection against dismemberment or death due to accidental causes.
Royal Sundaram provides very affordable Personal Accident Insurance. Have a look at it here to check if it fits your needs.